TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER 09 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT new art in the basement JULES LILY 091013.FOUFLYweb.jpg new art on the bar wall HEATHER BLOCKEY 091006.IMG_4252.jpg Rainbow study and other fleeting comments mixed media canvases new art on the far wall JEANNETTE PETRIK Currently studying Product Design at Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design Jeannette Petrik expresses an analytical way to look at things in her art in form of photography, drawing, film or three-dimensional art and design. For this exhibition she has produced a series of photographs inspired by selections of modern literature with a particular emphasis placed on the theme of identity. 091013.jeanette_petrik.IMG_4302b.jpg The garbage-bins of all the houses in the street were full of rats..... photomonth_logo.100.gif
WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBER 09 new film on the video screens GAY '091013.Gay-screen-shot.jpg' Stuart Alexander I made these films in the early mornings over the last year with a hidden camera and without the subject's knowing or consent. Some films were made by chance depending on a suitable person choosing to sit opposite me and how they chose to sit and some were the result of where I chose to sit based on the same dependant factors. All films were made on the London underground exclusively on the Northern Line between Archway and Tufnell Park. As the subjects are faceless it makes it easier for the audience to relate to them leading to the question, does the male audience relate and feel uncomfortable at me speculatively putting them into this context of "prey" or object of homosexual desire? Are they offended? Do they now question their own sexuality? Or my morality? Or both? Does being forced into staring at the crotches of other men make them feel uncomfortable? If so why? From a woman's perspective, does a female viewer feel uncomfortable being forced to look? Do they feel more comfortable in doing so as it does not offend their machismo pride? Or more uncomfortable because women are not used to being so predatory? Because they're used to being submissive to men, whereas most men are not? Does the audience feel as though they will be judged by those around them (the other viewers) for watching these films? Or does the fact that they are watching the films with others reassure them, like Sartre's bad faith? The film makes men powerless, like they make the viewer powerless as it forces both into a situation where they are to be judged and to feel uncomfortable.
THURSDAY 15 OCTOBER 09 new art in the vaults HANNAH PERRY WARREN GARLAND 091015.video-a-go-go-copy.jpg
FRIDAY 16 OCTOBER 09 12-1PM tune in to... THE FOUNDRY LATE LATE BREAKFAST SHOW broadcast live on RESONANCE 104.4FM streamed live on http://www.resonancefm.com archives on http://www.sanderswood.com/radio/
TUESDAY 20 OCTOBER 09 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT new art in the library CRISTINA COCULLO and EMANUELA FRANCHINI 091020.Heterological_720.jpg The exhibition is inspired by the Grelling's paradox, also known as the Heterological Paradox. According to this semantic paradox, words that describe exactly what they are - such as 'short' - are named autological. Words that don't - such as 'long' - are referred to as heterological. The paradox arises then, when one considers whether the word heterological is indeed autological or not. Heterological Boundaries comprises a series of diptyches in which both artists' photos are juxtaposed, with the aim of representing Grelling's paradox in pictures. The unlikely union of the two artists' very different photographic style forms a series of new images and unleashes new meanings for viewers to discover. "We have always been attracted to each other's photography and the different images we use to convey similar meanings, Grelling goes to the very heart of what we are trying to portray and challenges our sense of meaning." Cristina Cocullo "We decided on the concept of the exhibition early on as we both believe that photography is the best conduit for conveying meaning, these double images sit together without explanation as we want to let people come to their own conclusions about what label belongs to each image. After all, while all the photos are heterological images, a closer look might break through boundaries to reveal their autological meanings." Emanuela Franchini new art on the bar wall MARK STRINGER I'm sure it was there a moment ago 091020.photo.jpg The show attempts to explore the forgetful nature of the artist and his relationship with the photographic document as evidence. photomonth_logo.100.gif new art in the vaults STUART LEECH SKIMMING STONES 091020.frinton.jpg Skimming Stones documents the English beaches that Stuart visited during his childhood holidays. Examining his own past, while exploring the British summer and holidaying at home. photomonth_logo.100.gif
WEDNESDAY 21 OCTOBER 09 new art in the basement FACE IT 091021.faceit1.gif 091021.faceit2.jpg 091021.faceit3.gif "Face It" is a series of works inspired by portraits and emotions. Featuring Uk and international based artists. a showcase of diverse works, in the basement of The Foundry. Curated by the artist Catherine Howell artists: Stefano "Phen" Buccarello, Greg Charlton, Catherine Howell, Faye Joines, Soheila Keyani, Mathieu Leger, Sevan Nigogosian, Ushma Pala, Fatime Szazsi, Riki Digerud Waring, Lob Zilla
FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER 09 12-1PM tune in to... THE FOUNDRY LATE LATE BREAKFAST SHOW broadcast live on RESONANCE 104.4FM streamed live on http://www.resonancefm.com archives on http://www.sanderswood.com/radio/
SUNDAY 25 OCTOBER 09 WELCOME TO WORMWORLD open mic poetry sign up by 8pm perform 8.30-9.30pm
TUESDAY 27 OCTOBER 09 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT New art in the vaults YURI PIRONDI 091027.Ioanna-Poster-pulito.jpg 091027.rebus.gif photomonth_logo.100.gif new art on the stair well MATT JONES
WEDNEDAY 28 OCTOBER 09 new art on the far wall ANDY MORRICE 091028.andy.IMG_0942.jpg opening night with incidental music photomonth_logo.100.gif
THURSDAY 29 OCTOBER 09 new art in the library... Critique of the Institution ii - Cry for Help a tribute to Zmijewski MICHAEL BUCKNELL, MA, AICA New screen prints, digital prints, video painting etc Investigating negativity in perception of the artist "for the record, in the view of the department and the University's senior officers, your behaviour in the period leading-up to this deadline, have been vexatious, disproportionate and persistently unreasonable. Your actions have caused upset and distress to a number of colleagues whose efforts to afford a professional service were repeatedly met with discourteous rejection and/or belligerent obfuscation. At times your manner was intimidating."
FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER 09 12-1PM tune in to... THE FOUNDRY LATE LATE BREAKFAST SHOW broadcast live on RESONANCE 104.4FM streamed live on http://www.resonancefm.com archives on http://www.sanderswood.com/radio/
SUNDAY 01 NOVEMBER 09 >>basement 091101.alAzifwebposter.jpg Join us this Day of the Dead for an evening of cinematic ritual performance by Raymond Salvatore Harmon at London's legendary Foundry. 'Visions of the Al Azif' is a cinematic meditation of the altered states explored by the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred, author of the Necronomicon. The Al Azif (H.P. Lovercraft's famed Necronomicon) was a massive collection of the madness induced poetic hallucinations of its author. Similar in structure to other Sufic works of the period the Al Azif speaks of unheard of eons before man walked the earth. Populated with demons and other creatures of questionable age who had come to earth seeking refuge from the emptiness of space. The evening's performance will be the first screening of these rare and illusive documents of the visionary states that must be obtained in order to communicate with the Great Old Ones of mankind's forgotten past. These detailed organic abstractions illustrate the vivid hallucinatory states and madness inducing transcendental experiences that led to the author's untimely death. The performance will take place in the catacombs under the Foundry.
TUESDAY 03 NOVEMBER 09 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT New art in the vaults ANT THE RANT new art in the basement MARK RATHMALL new art in the libary ISABEL FREINKEL 091103.13102009075.jpg "Knitting and drawings by LCF graduate and temp Isabel Freinkel"
WEDNESDAY 04 NOVEMBER 09 091104.ishit_back.gif
THURSDAY 05 NOVEMBER 09 091104.ishit_front.jpg
FRIDAY 06 NOVEMBER 09 12-1PM tune in to... THE FOUNDRY LATE LATE BREAKFAST SHOW broadcast live on RESONANCE 104.4FM streamed live on http://www.resonancefm.com archives on http://www.sanderswood.com/radio/
TUESDAY 10 NOVEMBER 09 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT new art on the bar wall DAVID GONZALEZ new art in the vaults ST & ST 091110.wonderland---st.--st..jpg St. & St. St. & St. is the project name of the two collaborating artists STEPHAN HALTER AND STEPHANIE GERNER. Both were born 1977 in Germany. They live and work in Berlin. In their work they explore hierarchic systems, supervision and standardization as well as stereotypical thinking. For that reason they don't confine themselves to a certain technique or media and always integrate the room as part of their work. 1-day event in the basement.... THE ATROCITY ORGANIZATION JG Ballard & the Technologies of Psychopathology Management A kind of waiting madness, like a state of undeclared war, haunted the office buildings of the business park. - J.G. Ballard, Super-Cannes As a novelist and fiction SF writer, JG Ballard developed one of the most dynamic (and disturbing) exploration of collective psychopathology, excesses in organizational life, and the collapsing of the Western imaginary. From the fetish of the car crash to obscene hidden violence of the business park, internment camps to masochist fantasies directed through the mediated form of Ronald Reagan's body, Ballard's work ventures into territories that are disconcerting to explore, but from which one can learn a great deal. Rather than assuming that disorder and excess is a condition that management and organization must respond to, this event will explore the proposition that what might really be psychopathological is the desire to impose order upon an inherently ungovernable and excessive condition. new art on the far wall STEFAN ROMAN 091110.stefan_new-image-wheel.jpg HARD SHOULDER Vistas and architecture drafted from the point of view of a truck driver. Images that flit by day to day in random fashion, individually caught, captured, distilled and processed in large scale drawings. photomonth_logo.100.gif 091110.Psithurism-72dpi.jpg new art in the library CHRISTOPHER RAINBOW The Cave Wall Sings at The Foundry "This series of works emanates from an extensive period of visits to asylum seekers held in remand at Harmondsworth Immigration Detention Centre, near Heathrow. The plight of Daniel, a Nigerian detainee fleeing the murderous tendrils of an influential cult, the Ogboni struck a particularly powerful chord. Over months of visits, I was witnessed and shared his fears, crises and friendship as he confronted the dual threats of potential harm through extradition back into his persecutors' hands and the boredom and brutalisation on incarceration in the UK. From creating reportage comic strips and illustration documenting my relationship with Daniel, I have increasingly found myself imagining and visualising his dream, fantasies and memories. This sets up an intriguing paradox - as I try to understand the situation through his eyes by means of creative exploration, I start to create my own fiction." Christopher Rainbow is an artist / illustrator exploring narrative strands through drawing, collage and mural. He is a regular contributor to Blueprint magazine and illustration commissions include works for Lex records, BBC Collective and Barbican. Following a mis-spent youth spent running riot with a spray can in a sleepy seaside town with compadres The Pugilist and Neon Noodle; he formed the Ziko collective with Matt Littler. Their artwork can be seen at www.zikotown.com. By night, he runs howling through the streets of London with a pack of foxes.
THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER 09 091112.are-you-zine-friendly.gif are you ZINE FRIENDLY? Alternative Press are hosting another awesome evening of Zines, comix, book arts and poetry at our second Zine Friendly event at the foundry, in order to promote our new project, the Zine Friendly Blog! A resource for self-publishers far and wide, it will list venues, promoters, stockists and events that are all "Zine Friendly"! We are inviting small pressers everywhere to come down and promote their own work. For free! All we are asking is that people donate what they can, even a zine or two, to help Alternative Press to keep promoting the scene. There will be communal tables where self publishers can sell their work. Printmakers or those with large work are encouraged to use the walls as a spontaneous temporary free arts space where you can stick up your work DIY style! BYOB (Bring Your Own Blu-tak!) Also, we are inviting some zine distributors to represent as much of what is going on in the scene as we can. We'll be having a cake sale with free tea, Knitting Circle, CD compilation lucky dip (just bring a cd of your own favourite music and take your pick!), free blank zines for you to use and a poetry workshop followed by some performances and a short open mic... Things will kick off at 7pm until around 11pm.
FRIDAY 13 NOVEMBER 09 12-1PM tune in to... THE FOUNDRY LATE LATE BREAKFAST SHOW broadcast live on RESONANCE 104.4FM streamed live on http://www.resonancefm.com archives on http://www.sanderswood.com/radio/
_ _ ...check back later for more info!
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