TUESDAY 02 SEPTEMBER 08 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT new art in the library - MANOU 080902.Final01small.jpg performance art in the basement ANA MILOVANOVICH Belgrade, Serbia 1 + 1 = 3 ( or THE NORTH IRELAND + KOSOVO = THE SOUTH OSETIA) 080902._MG_1514.jpg Dedicated to current British politicians! Performance is about antagonism existed in any person and any nation - good and evil. It is more about our courage to think free, without fears that we should be recognized as un political incorrect, conservative, primitive and stupid (yet!) person. It's one bloody story, not about people and teritory, but about the justice and the unjustice, about powerfulls and powerless... It is about the history and the future not only of Serbia, Britain and Russia but the World too. Becouse, nothing is so far away, each debalance makes new ones, theirs make new ones etc. We are connected infinetly, like or not like it. The body of Ana Milovanovi_ is as modernistic universal object and as body in function of postmodernism fetish. Heroic, erotic body is object provocates your prejudices in differents ways. Potential energy of artist body becomes social energy , radical critic in concret political curcumstances in Serbia and in the world! The performance of Ana Milovanovi_ tells us unconfortable thrue: the body of the Other, it could be the body of Mine, one day not so far. Through communication and interaction with Ana in performance, you could check your prejudices about your and the others nations. Let's together work hardly to safe fragile humanity exists in all of us. Performance prays for it. POSTLUDE OF LONDON BIENNALE 2008
WEDNESDAY 03 SEPTEMBER 08 new art on the bar wall STEVE BURGESS 080902.burgess.jpg THE SIDINGS OF THE MIND An exhibition of the artwork of Steev Burgess Each day our minds are bombarded with images and scenes over which we have little or no control. These scenes look real but often, they are constructs. It can start with an advert in the morning paper read over breakfast, it continues perhaps with a shop window display of mannequins in the high street or on billboards at the station. In the antique shop, there is a collection of random and disconnected objects from different eras, thrown together as if in a dream. For a number of years, Steev Burgess has created a visual poetry of images torn from such places. " Recycling reality" a term he coined many years ago, best describes his method. The subject matter though, deals with memory, loss and longing, These pictures are "windows on the soul" or "windows of escape" he says, and they reveal dreams, desires and fears, fading hopes and memories. Questions are posed, "Where do the steam trains go when they disappear from our thoughts?" "What do the sidings of our mind look like?" "Will I ever take that woman down from the pedestal?" and "How thin is the veneer of reality?" The pictures are the artists answer, but are they correct? Opening party Wednesday 3rd September 2008 with performance by... Burgess the rhymer (the artist in rhyme) JC ( poet from Amsterdam) Radio Hams (poetry duo) Gabi Garbutt (Breadstealer extaordinaire, from Baudelaire to Paddington Bear) http://www.myspace.com/burgess_the_rhymer
THURSDAY 04 SEPTEMBER 08 new art on the stairwell JUNIPER DAUMER 080902._DSC0059.jpg Juniper Daumier's work explores how people and objects inhabit spaces following a vision, which is often dramatic, sometimes staged, but follows no single recipe. His direct approach aims not to elevate or distort realities but incorporates the possibilities of storytelling. Daumier's recent series 'The Parable of the Shower' cuts from bathroom scenes to prayer meetings, abandoned objects to revered ones.
TUESDAY 09 SEPTEMBER 08 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT nwe art on the far wall MR JIMMI 080909.Blunkett.jpg "Everything Is Beautiful When You Don't Look Down" A HiPPoCRoCoPiG PRoDuCTioN by JiMMiCRoCoPiGaSauRuS Bringing society's attention to the underlying subtext of everyday life
WEDNESDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 08 BOOK LAUNCH 080910.540.fortune.gif On 10 September, Fortune Teller Press are taking over the Foundry for one night, to celebrate the release of TWO BOOKS Graham BendelÕs A NASTY PIECE OF WORK and James YoungÕs SONGS THEY NEVER PLAY ON THE RADIO (about Nico, and her 80s misadventures with scabrous backing band). Incidental entertainment includes short sets from Vic Godard & the Subway Sect and David Devant & His Spirit Wife, Scottish mouth music, poetry, art courtesy of Tina Vaughan - and Dj sets from Little Barrie and Lush. Fortune Teller previously have reissued Ô77 novel The Punk and the CD Somewhere Between Heaven & Woolworths (X Ray Spex, Alan Parker Urban Warrior and The Dirtbombs), and 'Poems For The Retired Nihilist'. FORTUNE TELLER PRESS
THURSDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 08 new art in the vaults ADVENTURES IN GRAVITY TOM HEMMING and JO LATHWOOD 080911.it-is-difficult.jpg 080911.RicePaper1.jpg art event in the basement 080911.580.flyer_for_WEB.jpg
TUESDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 08 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT new art on the stair well WILL VARLEY new art in the basement JIM SANDERS
WEDNESDAY 17 SEPTEMBER 08 080916.missionearth.jpg new art in the library Kabarett Spielraum Presents: MISSION TO PLANET EARTH Art Exhibition Opening Night 7.30pm - 11pm INCIDENTAL MUSIC FROM... NOW (Krautpop Wizards - http://www.myspace.com/nowtheband ) THE DUBLO (Dirty Blues - http://www.myspace.com/thedublo ) TRANSFERE PROJECT (Kitchen Sink Antifolk - http://www.myspace.com/transfereproject ) + DJ Spike Spiegel (Playing The Hits) Plus the Mission To Planet Earth art exhibition -- Photoshop mashups of the graffiti to be found in the basement of The Foundry
TUESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 08 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT new art in the vaults... 'many of them seriously' multimedia sound installation by hackney-based 'spork' new art on the far wall OTTO SCHADE 080923.Ottono-70-x-70.jpg
TUESDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 08 open keyboard PIANO NIGHT new art on the stairwell CHRISSYBOY new art on the bar wall GERRY ASHLEC
THURSDAY 02 OCTOBER 08 new art in the vaults... IO1 BURNT PAPER PLATES AN EXHIBITION by Steve Rushton 2nd to 12th October, Thurs to Sun 6pm to 10pm or by appointment (07974 716 058) Paper plate workshops Sat. and Sun. 4th and 5th Oct. 6-8pm a pamphlet of poems accompanies the exhibition opening party Thursday 2nd October from 6pm to 10pm 081002.plates.580.jpg IO1 BURNT PAPER PLATES is Steve Rushton's fifth show of work in the last three years. Steve has always been fascinated by food, and the traces it leaves. 'This is Shit', his last show at the Foundry, used text on walls and monitors to look at the poetics of excrement. IO1 BURNT PAPER PLATES focuses on pre-digestive remains, stains of food on paper plates burned and in other ways manipulated to make them more beautiful. IO1 BURNT PAPER PLATES are presented in this exhibition - for their beauty and for the transformative act they represent. I01 burnt paper plates a magic number a magic act to make a paper plate art to take it away from a knife and fork IO1 BURNT PAPER PLATES celebrates what we leave behind; like the celebrations of art and religion they are evidence of our history, albeit in scatological miniature. STEVE RUSHTON studied art at Kingston Polytechnic in the early 1980's. He then worked as an artist and exhibited regularly until 1993, stopped, studied and taught art history for 10 years, then started again. http://www.steverushton.org.uk
SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER 08 >>bar floor DISCOR.DANCE >>basement NOISE=NOISE a night of feedback looping, circuit hacking, extreme music, industrial noise from: SHIFT - http://unrestprod.com RYAN JORDAN - http://doc.gold.ac.uk/~ma701rj JOHN BOWERS - http://www.onoma.co.uk/ SKAT INJECTOR - http://www.myspace.com/skatinject0r THE NOISER - http://www.noiser.org/ BARACLOUGH - http://www.baraclough.co.uk/ LONDON CONRETE - http://www.myspace.com/londonconcrete KAYAKA - http://www.myspace.com/kayakathethird with live vjing from: PIXELPUSHER - http://pixelpusher.flkr.com/ ODDSCENE - http://www.myspace.com/oddscene There will be a compilation CD avaliable with tracks from each artist performing on the night. Distro stall. Ear plugs. Entry = FREEEEEE!!!!
TUESDAY 04 NOVEMBER 08 new art on the far wall S T R A N G E N E S S O F S E E I N G 081104.Exp-19a.jpg Nichola Bruce + Rebecca E Marshall "Strangenesss of Seeing 26 short avant - garde films that aim to capture the subjective experience of seeing" "A cabinet of intimate familiar wonders". Guardian Apr 08 A series of 26 moving Image works exploring vision.
TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER 08 new art in the library... ANDY MORRICE 081111.P5090882.jpg 081111.P6041045.jpg new art on the bar wall FEDERICA COPPOLA BEHAVING How places influence the people who work there and vice-versa 081111.Tusk.jpg
_ _ ...check back later for more info!
  84-86 GREAT EASTERN STREET LONDON EC2 020 7739 6900