TUESDAY 06 04 04
New art in the library
[adj: of humankind as a species;
"the hominal kingdom"]
A collection of images of boundary-restricted urban
places. Isolated subjects as parts of fragmented narratives.
Emotional responses to ambiguous scenarios in which a plethora of
allegories reveal subconscious familiarity. Microcosmic
self contained worlds, markings of territory and
constructed scenes form the tableaux.
New art in the vaults
An exhibition of stencil graffiti art
from the streets of
Iraq and Palestine
Arofish is a stencil graffiti artist who recently spent three months travelling
through Iraq and Pakestan, painting on the walls and generally making
a right mess, to the occasional annoyance of the occupying forces.
The results are on display in the Foundry vault for the next two weeks.
OPening night: tuesday.
New art on the bar wall:
>>bar floor
Piano night
with Gabriel, Bob, Jeremy, Porno Paul,
Andy Sax, Eleanor the Worm Lady
and anyone else who wants to join in
We have a baby grand piano and a
fake Hammond Organ at your disposal